Sun 12 Jan
~ * ~ BRUN3TT3 ~ * ~ * ~ * C@UcAs!@N ~ * ~ * ~ * GR3@T @SS3Ts ~ * ~ * ~ * J3RS3y V!LL@G3 / 290 ARE@ - 25
Missy - 22
(Houston, 1960/Greenspoint/45N/Spring)
☠ 80 SMOKING HOT Mulatto !! 80 GEORGOUS BEAUTIFUL PIC's !! scpecial today ONLY ☠ - 23
(Houston, 290, Jersey village, hwy 6, beltway 8 w)
Sat 11 Jan
Look whose back??? Miss Water Works!!!! New Location!!! - 30
(Houston, North 45&1960 jersey village)
★Exotic Sensual Beautiful Ladies From Around Asia At Gold Relaxation - New Ladies Every Week
(Houston/Jersey Village/North Houston)
Fri 10 Jan
(°* ° :¦:-° M@GIC »-(¯`v´¯)- »LIK3» -(¯`v´¯)- »N0» -(¯`v´¯)-» 0THER ° :¦:-°°* - 23
(Jersey Village/290/JONES)
Long Day?...Come Unwind w/ Houston's #1 Premier Provider NIKKI T! .:* ¨*:. .:* ¨ 281 904 5810 - 28
(INCALL 290 / hwy 6 / Jersey Village)
Juicy blonde waiting for you. $100 in calls tonight only! - 27
Thu 09 Jan
MlLF & Cookies! *:..:* 281 904 5810 *:..:* - 28
💋Foreign Beauty ✈ Limited Time Only 🍒The Choice you Won't Regret🍒 - 22
(Houston, Incall IAH 45 N Jfk Outcall specials)
🎀Discover Houston's Best Kept Secret🎀 A rare Hidden Treasure 💎 - 21
(Houston, i10 610 45 59 290 1960 Beltway 8 hwy6)
@@@@@ # 1 PiCk @@@@ TeXaZ SeXXiiEsT LaTiNa - 23
BLONDE TREAT ♥ Th!cK Th!GhS 5__★ ★ VaNiLlA JuIcY BoOtTy 1oO speciall! - 24
(Houston, 290 & jones rd. jersey village nw hou)
New Feature In Town - Lucy - Erotic Asian Beauty With Exquisite Touch - Here To Pleasure You !!! - 22
(Houston/Jersey Village/North Houston)
Wed 08 Jan
▬▬★▬▬【 EXXOTiC 】🌊🌴🌺★▬▬▬ 【 EROTiC 】💦👅🍆★▬▬ 【 NAUGHTY NAUGHTY GiRL 】...
(290 / beltway / jersey village, City of Houston, Houston)
:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- T H A N -:¦:- T H I S - 19
(Jersey Village)
60° |☆| (290•area) All Race Fetishes |☆| Jello BOOTY |☆| N●nst●p🔝 |☆| 2rounds/80hhr - 21
(290,Jersey Village,beltway,in or outcall, City of Houston, Houston)
((((((( BRUNETTE ))))))) ((((( 832- 564- 9552 ))))) ((( all you need now and ever ))) - 22
L👀king to satIsFy all your desires .. jump start ur Day and be with me!!! - 27
(290 610 Fairbanks beltway 8 Antoine, City of Houston, Houston)
😉100% REAL 😘 Back In town 🌹Limited time🌹INCALL SPECIALS 🏤🚗💨BusTY💦💦 Sweet 👸 Exotic hh100 - ...
(Houston, jersey village northwest freeway upscale)
Tue 07 Jan
$100 =×[ KiNK¥! ] •♥• [ 5★☜] •♥• [ i'VE BEEN A ] •♥• [ BAD GiRL ] •♥• [ C0M£ WhiP M£! ] ...
(Houston, OUTCALLS & INCALLS Jersey village)
•°• iM ReaDy 4 aCTioN •°• i HoPe YouR ReaDy 4 SaTiSfacTioN •°• - 24
(Houston, 290 and Beltway 8 / JERSEY VILLAGE)
(¯`☆`¯) LET-:¦:-ME BE YOUR -:¦:-FANTASY (¯`☆`¯) - 19
(Jersey Village)
-:¦:- ♥ -:¦:- InToXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE PLaYmATe -:¦:-°o ♥-:¦:- 100 INCALL SPECIA - 23
(jersey village)
▬▬▐▐▐❶║❶❶║❶▐▐▐ ▬▬ Asian girls Special ▬ ❶║❶ ▬ Enjoy YOUR visit Now ▬▬▐...
(City of Houston, Houston, Houston. Jersey Village. Willowbrook)
$70 (°* ° :¦:-° M@GIC » LIPS-(¯`v´¯)- »LIK3» -(¯`v´¯)- »N0» -(¯`v´¯)-» 0THER ° :¦:-°°* - 23
(Jersey Village/290)
Mon 06 Jan
🎆Late Night🎆 💯 Specials 💋All You Ever Imagined💋 - 18
(Houston, Incall 59N Humble Outcalls Houston Area)
Misty Baby✨let me rain on you!!! Come out and play!!100🌹 Specials ✨ - 30
(59S/Beltway I10/Sheldon everywhere, City of Houston, Houston)
-5 FOOT 11****NEW*HERE not to the bizz!!! FROM N.C. I AM FRANKIE..!!! - 36
(Houston, 290/ beltway 8/northwest /jersey village)
💋NASTY😉👅 Put Me 🆙 2 The Test 👅 🙏I CaNT Lie🙏 I'm The Best 💯❤️ 💥 - 20
(City of Houston, /Cypress/Tomball/290&1960/Jersey Village)
Iresistible Specials!! 💯✔2 Girl ✔2Hr+✔Sweet Smile 💄Captivating Eyes💫 Enticing Beauty 🎀 - 21
(Houston, Outcall 45 Beltway8 59 290 249 1960 610)
◄▐ L ((☻)) ((☻)) K ▐ ► VOLUPTUOUS BEAUTY with ((40F's)) - 22
Sun 05 Jan
🆕(60/30min)(Moved•290) ░░ BiG Boot¥💦🐱░░ ❎hat🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ M👄uth Therapy - 21
(290/beltway8/jersey village/Outcalls too, City of Houston, Houston)
Last Chance ⇨ 30min Outcall Special 🎁Moist & Ready 💋KiNkY BaBe Pet my K!TTy ➡ 100% Real GUARANTEED - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, NORTH HOUSTON outcalls outcalls)
Hella Badd!!!! Sexy Seductive!!!!_ Intoxicating Beauty -26 - 26
(City of Houston, Cypress/Jones Rd/Jersey Village, Houston)
*¨¨*:☆ Chocolate ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Barbie ☆ ¯`·._.· ☆ Jenna ☆:*¨¨* - 22
(Galleria Incall/Outcall *Your Place*)
ErOtIc & ExoTiC 505-402-5705!Outcall!Good GiRls HaVe the DiRtiest minds :-) - 19
(Houston, all over my body!!!!)
60° |☆| (290•area) All Race Fetishes |☆| Jello BOOTY |☆| N●nst●p🔝 |☆| 2rounds/80hhr - 21
(290,Jersey Village,beltway,in or outcall, City of Houston, Houston)
2girl (100qv)(moved•290) ░░ 2 Pretty Bbws ░░ $|○p🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ BiG BOOTY ░░ 2girl shows...
(290/beltway8/jersey village/Outcalls too, City of Houston, Houston)
281-730-2804 ~ GoRgEoUs~ snowbunny ~ New In ToWn!~ 70$ Inc SPECAILS!~ - - 21
(Houston, northwest Jersey village area)
Sat 04 Jan
Last Days in town ➡ Outcall Only ⬅Need Some Cumpany ?(👍SuPer BuStY EXotiC DreaM - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcalls north outcalls outcalls outcall)
( Last Day April 18th ) I'll do you right💦( I Love Older Men ) BiG BuTT😏 Super BuStY EXoTiC MiX - 26
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcalls north outcalls outcalls outcall)
bRand NeW **SPECIALSSS80! gORgEouS BaByDoll, HeAvenly BodY :) - 19
(Houston, 1960/290/beltway8/jersey village)
BOMBSHELL .. SUPER GREAT & SEXY .. Petite BRUNETTE .. Highly Reviewed !!! - 23
(Houston, 290 & 1960, JERSEY VILLAGE, CY-FAIR)
Female wrestling
(jersey village)
((((((( HANNA - beautiful sexy escort ))))))) ((((((( 832-564-9552 ))))))) ((( outcalls ))) - 22
Cherry***** Cherry***** Cherry*****( 832)885/1740 - 21
(Houston, 45,1960 woodlands jersey village)
(New•290 area} ♧ {50/20min} ♧ {80hh/2rds} ♧ {Polynesian•Booty} ♧ {slop🔝} ♧ {Freak Pleezr} - 21 - 21
(290,Jersey Village,beltway,in or outcall, City of Houston, Houston)
Need Some Cumpany ?? ( Your Place )( Voluptuous 👍SuPer BuStY EXotiC DreaM - 25
(City of Houston, Houston, Outcalls north outcalls outcalls outcall)
Mature /// Classy & Real /// Mature & Fun! /// Actual Photos NO BAIT AND SWITCH HERE - 82
(Houston, Gessner, Jersey Village)
Jersey village 3463337937 - 41
(City of Houston, 290 and 1960 and beltway and west rd)
(Available👄BEST of the BEST👄) Wild 👌Blonde ))((in-Out -ANYWHERE At Your DOOR IN mins →Up Late - 28
(Houston, Cleveland PORTER New Caney baytown)
💜💕ATTENTION 🔊 👉Juicy👈 🎀 SL¡ppєrY δωεε†💓🌸YUMMY SpeCialS💓Cali Treat 👉αVαϊlαβlξ...
(City of Houston, Houston, jersey village / beltway 8 and clay rd)
Fri 03 Jan
◄▐ L ((☻)) ((☻)) K ▐ ► VOLUPTUOUS BEAUTY with ((40DDD)) - 24
Your busty neighbor in hot spandex needs to borrow a cup of sugar!!! - 36
(Houston Metro Area)
~~~ Get 'er done RIGHT ~~~~ HOT GFE ASIAN ~~~VIP~~~ - 21
(Houston 209)
🐤 Early Bird 🐤 Incall Specials 😘All You Ever Imagined💋 - 18
(Houston, Incall 290 Outcalls Houston Area)
(60/30min)(Moved•290) ░░ BiG Boot¥💦🐱░░ ❎hat🔝░░ All Races ok ░░ M👄uth Therapy - 21
(290/beltway8/jersey village/Outcalls too, City of Houston, Houston)
▄ ▀ ▄ ★ GREAT ★ SPECIALS ★ LATE NIGHT ▄ ▀ ▄ - 22
(Galleria IncallsOutcalls *Your Place*)
Exotic Gorgeous Black Barbie - 22
(Houston, 290 and Jones rd. Jersey Village area)
(New•290 area} ♧ {50/20min} ♧ {80hh/2rds} ♧ {Polynesian•Booty} ♧ {slop🔝} ♧ {Freak Pleezr} - 21 - 21
(290,Jersey Village,beltway,in or outcall, City of Houston, Houston)
°★©° ((= MUST SEE =)) ★ ((=ASIAN & LAtiNA BEAUTY =)) °★©° jUICy TREAT! - 21
(Houston Far North, 290/ bw8/jersey village)
█ ★█————█ N0 STR3TCH MARk5——— █ ——— DISCREET & PROMPT OUTCALLS———— █ ——— V...
Let Me Treat You Like A KING! • ☆• ★• Simply The Best - TONED Petite Hottie • ★•→→ 80 Incall - 24
(Houston, 290 & Hollister 610 249 (80 Incall)
LATE NIGHT FANTASY BABE ))) 281-901-2324 ((( tall, sexy, clean, beautiful, friendly, relaxed - 23
💢EboNy TrEaT💢 💓Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD💕 DiSCREet & Oh SoOO SweEt💦🍯 💕TiGht & Right💦👅[AllDaY Spec...
(City of Houston, Cypress,1960,249,290,Jersey Village,Hwy6, Houston)
❤️Early Bird 100 Incall Special💋Sweet Smile 💄Captivating Eyes💫 Enticing Beauty 🎀All for You😘 - 21
(Houston, Outcall 45 BELTWAY8 59 290 249 1960 610)
CALL NOW📲ALL About You Experience🎀 🐇Flirtatious 🍰Very 🍒Sweet - 29
(Bush Humble Kingwood porter spring, City of Houston, Houston)
630-217-9517 *HONEY BLONDE* citement Available : RiGhT nOw!!! 100incall all day - 21
(Jersey Village)
$70 ◄▐ L ((☻)) ((☻)) K ▐ ► VOLUPTUOUS BEAUTY with ((40DDD)) - 24
Thu 02 Jan
💋 Exotic BBW hot and ready to Play in and out calls 💋 - 34
(Conroe, Conroe woodland Huntsville houston, Houston, Huntsville, The Woodlands)