I'M just aN unfROZEN cAVEwoman... - 42

Posted : Monday, January 06, 2025 05:12 PM | 6 views

Dear gENTS of backPAGE, I'm just aN uNfrozen caveWOMAN! I fell on ice & was later thawed by some scientist. ----- But I tell you, tHIS world frightens and confuses me! Particularly L.A. /b>Like when i go down to the BEACH, and i see distant, MAMMOTH ships cruising around, I am afraid they are Archaeopotamus or Leviathan coming after me, and I run to get my club out of my beach bag, just to be extra prepared! Or when I go to the local grocer for herbs, meats, nuts and fruits to sustain me, and end up in the FROZEN SECTION by mistake, (and having just thawed out myself), scream, "No! Not ice. Not again! No ice!" And then out of the corner of my eye, I notice the meat counter and think, "Cool. I'll just get wildebeest and grill." And i go up to the meat guy and say, "Six inch marbled wildebeest on the bone, please." And the meat guy says, "What? Uhhh.. we don't have wildebeest." ANd I'm like, "No wildebeest? Okay. That sucks. Gazelle then. I'll take gazelle, any way you got it!" And the meat guy is like, "What? We don't have gazelle either," and he rolls his eyes. And I think, "What's with this place? What am I gonna eat?!! I should've brought my spear!! Crap!" And so then, I just want to leave with some nuts and berries I gathered, and I run toward the door still dragging my club, and this security dude with a badge says, "Hey, you gotta pay for that!" ANd I'm like, "What? Pay for it?! I hunted for it on my own!!! Why do I have to pAY for it?!! And what is moNEY anyway? That's a currency? I have only fossilized, muddy skins to barter with!" And then I think "screw it" and decide just to drink. And I head over to some hole in the wall for the cheapest drinks in town, and hope they'll settle for my salvaged skins if I order a gin straight-up, (and they do). But they serve it on ice by accident!! And I'm like, "No damn-it! No ICE! NO ICE! NO ICE! NO ICE!" ANd I cringe and sigh, and slowly tear up, and begin to contemplate my suitability to exist, my potential to parlais and my deepest cause. ---------- Yet, whatever world you're from, I do know one thing--- we all need companionship!!! TLC! Emotive support. Kinship. Laughter. Around the fire we've worked so hard to create, we need shared stories of the hunt, affection and affirmation that we're part of something bigger! A oneness, ya know? And more, I suppose, if it's there and natural. I mean we're eVOLved enough to admit that, right? RIGHT? EVOLVED???!!! Anyway, see the following... MATURE unFROZEN CAVEWOMAN BEAUTY! a LITTLE COLD, BUT STILL sEXY, rELAXED, sENSUAL AND PERHAPS LUCKILY FOR YOU, SOMEWHAT NAIVE, EASILY AMAZED & LARGELY INTIMIDATED BY PRETTY MUCH EVERTHING, having beeN frozen for SO long. yET, i AM a lovely COMPANION offering rEAL COMPATABILITY AND ATTEMPTED WARMTH. :)** Call/TEXT! Available morn, days & EARLY eve. ***BUT, PUH-LEAZZE (uTILIZE mutual respect & MATURE discretion ALWAYS please.) (I do have a club if you're not nice.) K? call/TEXT me! unfroZEN caveWOMan:) 424-272-5598 xoxoxox ROCK-ELLE! :) t girl escorts,rubrankings charlotte,max80 list crawler,girl escort near me,female escort los angeles,rub and tug finder,ladyboy escorts,lawrence escorts,erotic massage near .e,escort females
  • City : Los Angeles
  • Poster's age : 26
  • Address : City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Westside, Westside, South Bay. West LA, LONG BEACH