- City : San Fernando Valley
- Poster's age : 26
- Address : OUTCALL/1OO
.(( ALL NEW ) ) - : ¦ : - £ Õ V £ Y. - : ¦ : - X Õ I C . - :¦ : - . BÕNY-:¦:- - 23
Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 09:38 AM | 4 views
My NaMe iS DEELISHIS(( iM YouNG, BeauTiFuL, aND LoTs oF FuN...!!! ))
TaKe a BReaK FRoM THe NoRM, iM a DeLigHTFuL GiRL WiTH CLaSS...!!!
~(( `DEELISHIS` ))~ (( aLL NeW PiX ))
LeTs eSCaPe ToGeTHeR... You WiLL eNJoy My SWeeT aND FRieNDLy aTTiTuDe, aND I NeVeR RuSH,
JuST ReLaX aND eNJoy ouR TiMe ToGeTHeR...
aVaiLaBLe FoR GeNTLeMeN WHo aPPReCiaTe GoRGeouS GiRLs LiKe MySeLF.
You WoN'T Be DiSaPPoiNTeD...!!! :)
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