Attractive, busty, submissive girls to make private videos with me $300/ - 39

Posted : Friday, January 10, 2025 03:36 PM | 2 views

I'm looking for attractive, busty, submissive white or European girls 18-55 to make private adult videos with me. I'm NOT looking for performers at all and definitely no professionals - I'm looking for submissive girls who will just lay there - the more nervous or uncomfortable you are the better, so anyone can do it. I'm very good looking, 6'4, 220, muscular and very well endowed. I pay cash $300 per hour shot. Nice, private mansion location and only you and me will be there. Nobody else will ever see these videos - they're just for me and I will guarantee that. Please send ALL of the following to be considered: at least 2 photos one of which is full length, preferable swimsuit or less, your age, height, weight, and full measurements. I will get right back to you. Maybe we can work tonight! Thanks latina escort san francisco,tsescort ri,escorts redding,ts escorts panama city,listcrawler under 80,craigslist body rubs,san gabriel valley escorts,escorts en monterey ca,listcrawlers ts,detroit ts escort
  • City : San Fernando Valley
  • Poster's age : 20
  • Address : Sherman Oaks