- City : Philadelphia
- Poster's age : 28
- Address : Philadelphia, I live in Grtr NE-you can live anywhere*
Decent Seasoned Gal Seeking An Ongoing Monogamous Relationship With A Younger Good-Looking Gentleman - 35
Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 05:04 AM | 13 views
* * * I am a highly intellectual female, refined, with quite a repertoire of interests, as well as ultimate character. I am an intimate, soft-spoken, inward female, highly-evolved, very upbeat and a highly skilled musician, a laid-back academe, into Nature, with every part of my being. I love lightning, thunder, heavy rains, morning dew, the songs of the 'wild' and would love to find - - and truly welcome - - a really
d e c e n t, NICE guy, who loves Nature, as I, and who I can see steadily, who would love to date a genuine doll - - I, of course, would feel the same, - - I want someone who only would be interested in me, always. No baggage, please. What good would it do, anyway ? ? ? You should be completely unattached, period. You should be a sensitive, caring, attentive, genuine, strong backboned male counterpart.
* * * You've got to be considerate, Caucasian, {mature at your 'tender' age}, be able to always keep my interest, know how to 'talk' to me, and really finally k n o w how to dote on a true lady. I am someone the likes of which no one has ever really known, nor have taken the time to find out about. Everyone seems to be rushing to get to the next bad scene and do not appreciate the finer 'amenities' in life. I am 'up there', because no one really knows how to understand me, even if I understand them explicitly. I know you in the first glance. I see you for who you really are, so I do not want to waste my time with 'just that kind of a guy', please. I am here seeking out a gentleman suitor - - one who would make me most-happy, over the longhaul. No mooches. No hassles. A no-baggage, no-drama guy, no liars, no thieves, no cheats, no backstabbers! You cannot be a 'cheap' kind of person, in any way, please! No flim-flam/double-talkers and absolutely no con-artists . . . {You must be a one woman, unselfish man, as I am a one man woman. You also must never be interested in wanting kids, either, ever, please.}
* * * - - Please, be that mmm, mmm, mmm hunk I have always hoped for, with a r i g h t way to be - - one, who I can be crazy about - - and, so that I can be that fulfilling reward as that "Someone" who he can devote his life to, appreciate, respect, and love with all his heart, all his natural life. I am not looking to live out a lie. This is my dream. I want you to accomplish it with and f o r me. You must know how to really show me what it is to be loved. No synthetic fabrications, please. I want someone to feel proud I am on 'his sleeve' and know how to care for and about me. It's time you found real in your life - - not some spinoff from space cadets. Guys.
I don't know how to manipulate anyone, like the rest of the females always have, out there. And, the females have ALL W A Y S been, "an affront to my femininity". Please, I c a n ' t have that . . .
And, Thanks.
* * * - - Whether this is where someone decent possibly speaks, or not, please realize that I am different and really do seek that rare, one of a kind, original special someone, to fulfill my needs and hopes. If you are not that guy, maybe you have a real friend, who could appreciate me in h i s life. I have a heart filled to the brim with love, to give, but as too many takers are there, it is hard to sift through the nonsense to find that Mr. Right. I am hoping he will find his way to me, now. Please, be most kind and send me an e-mail with some pictures of my possible 'future intended' {decent ones, please}, as well as a way to be able to contact you, or that r e a l Mr. Right you happen to know.
I am 5'4", very long, naturally reddish-blonde hair, very large emerald-green eyes, beautiful full mouth, perfectly turned-up nose,all the right curves in all the right places {and, then some . . .}, high instep, thin ankle; ultra-sexy, feminine, I make a decent appearance, good listening ear, good company and quality in all I do. I am 100% straight, and I do not keep female friends. I need a handsome as heck, strong backboned, out of this world, one of a kind, male someone who is monogamous and straight, for starters {absolutely no closet gays/and n o 'flag-its', please!}
* * * I need someone to be proud of, too, you know. I just don't want to have to turn my head and find another trying to devalue my good way. Trust is something earned. My word is what I live by and as yet no one has earned my decency and integrity. I am in true hopes I will find you, n o w.
* * * I have nothing but good values to bring to the table, and your qualities should be, at least commensurate.
* * * I am looking for one Mr. Right. Not a bunch of Messrs. Wrong.
* * * Thank you, for thinking enough of yourself, to think of me.
* * * It has been said people would think I am 'too good to be true'. Maybe I am. But, just maybe, someone can now finally come along and find I am being truthful. Maybe for once, you can stop being bluffed by all the lies you have been filled with, all the false hopes, empty promises,
disappointments, disillusions, doubts and bluffs, those 'other' females are so notorious for being and having fed you all along. I cannot compete. I do not ever h a v e to. What for??? Those 'others' pose no challenge. Obviously, gentlemen. Be my friend. Do yourself the first favor you ever allowed yourself to value.
If I cannot tell you the truth, I will tell you nothing, rather than be false. That much I shall guarantee, before you go any further. I have self-respect; therefore, I am able to show you how it is to always know how to do right . . . I set good examples and purvey nothing but good standards, always.
* * * P. S. You will never question my true age, ever! And, you must be completely healthy, with no SBD's, no STD's, etc. No N o t h i n g!!!
Thank you, dearly, gentlemen. Here's to Me, A Salute!! And, VIVE LE
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